This amazing Wagyu Burger is a big taste upgrade on your average hamburger whether you grill it to perfection, or follow my skillet preparation for the...
Don't be intimidated by homemade pasta: it takes just two ingredients -- semolina and water -- to make these hand-formed, torpedo-shaped triofe noodles...
Garlic, butter and white wine shrimp - this recipe is one of the best shrimp recipes out there. This shrimp dish is rich, creamy, super flavorful and easy...
This Pumpkin Pasta is pure comfort in 20 minutes. The scrumptious, velvety pumpkin pasta sauce uses canned pumpkin for color, flavor, volume, and nutrients....
This delicious and nutritious recipe comes from Donnie Yance, an herbalist, nutritionist, and author. With it he likes to serve Sauteed Cabbage. To maximize...
Tender, juicy pan-seared lamb leg steaks make a restaurant-worthy main course that is perfect enough for any day of the week! These amazing lamb steaks...
Tomato-Basil Tortellini - a rich and creamy pasta dinner the whole family will love. Ravoili or Tortellini tossed in a sun-dried tomato cream sauce and...
Low in fat and loaded with fiber, the smooth texture and slightly nutty flavor of cannellini beans (or white kidney beans) makes a great addition to healthy...
This pita pizza recipe is the easiest and coolest way to make pizza. All you need is pita bread, tomato sauce, cheese and come topping. The result will...
Mark Strausman, owner of Campagna in New York City, enjoys nothing more than a delicious meal made slowly, a meal that fills the house with the wonderful...
This buttermilk biscuit recipe is from Pamela Fitzpatrick and Michael Grieb of Fox and Abel market in Chicago. They shared it with Martha Stewart Living...
My ground beef stroganoff is a quick and tasty recipe done in less than 30 minutes! This easy-to-make stroganoff recipe is filled with flavorful, tender...
Shredded cauliflower steps in to make a crave-worthy low-carb version of fried rice. To make paleo fried rice, just sub the soy sauce with coconut aminos...
Incredibly easy-to-make air fryer Italian sausage is equally incredibly tasty with a delightfully golden casing while retaining all their juicy goodness!...
Serve with cooked rice or even better, warmed naan or other flatbread for scooping. This Indian vegetarian eggplant recipe doubles easily if you're serving...
Slightly sweet, delicate flavor of this easy baked ocean perch will be a great healthy lunch or dinner option. Paired with lemon and garlic this white...
Martha Stewart Living commissary chef Margot Olshan shares her family's recipe for this holiday favorite. Use matzo balls, which are flavored with fresh...
Covering the cooked meatloaf with chili sauce, then returning it to the oven for a few minutes gives a slightly sweet, mildly spicy glaze on top. This...
Learn how to make the best vegan beetroot burgers. Healthy, nutritious and delicious burger that you must try even if you not vegan. This recipe is the...